(very long post ahead)
Today was the most eventful day I've had this year. maybe not eventful.
Sad but touching, Happy, not willing to leave Choir. I never thought i was ever going to be sad or anything, but it just happened. It was an emotional session for all of us, I'll elaborate on that later on, but what happened then couldn't just be described in a few paragraphs.
I know I've written many posts conveying the same emotions, or even the same words. Just like all the other members, i can't help it. That's really the least I can do.
My dearest Soprano Juniors, you guys are the best. To the three future SLs, LOOanqi, Shuqing and tianjiao, CONGRATULATIONS. I'm extremely sure that the three of you will do a great job :D Limying and Pam and everyone shall be so proud of all of you!
Congrats to our PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, CORNELIUS and ALVINA, both capable leaders!
to the newly elected excomm members: yingjun, piying, ada, shijia, brenda, jason, christopher.
AND the music comm: anqi, shuqing, tianjiao (YAY SOPS! :D), shirleen, yingting, emmaus, jesse, godwin, nicholas. All the best and jiayou ^_^
To all those soprano dearies who gave me the pretty card and present, THANKYOU SO MUCH. I felt so touched to receive an unexpected gift, just to let you all know, I read the messages so many times! :D
Anyway, Lets start it off in a chronological order (the best happened during handover and after choir!)
Started off with breakfast with Riane, Emmaus, Godwin and Jason at simei.
Met riane before that and I said to her: "today's the last day where we can go for choir together.." it saddens me so much ): RIANE PLEASE CALL ME IN OLOMOUC EVERDAY! hahahah. I'll miss you so remember to miss me :D
Emmaus wasn't there yet so we ate at Burger King. Only Riane jason and I ate there in the end cause somebody think BK is ex -__- Riane and I shared a scrambled egg platter! Its a scammer since it contains everything a croissant has, bah. my favourite shall still be the MUSHROOM swiss burger! :D I'm a proud fan of it since its the only burger I eat since K2! okay maybe the turkey one and croissants too.
When Emmaus arrived, we migrated to Mr.bean and I had my beancurd! There was still plenty of time so we took the mrt to tanahmerah and guess what, we cabbed up to school. Had this crazy idea of walking from simei to ahs at first k ): Anyway, the fare was just 3 bucks (shared between 5 people) so that's 60 cents for a ride up to school, so absolutely worth it since there wasn't perspiration involved AT ALL. LOL we got a pen stuck on riane's hair :D
its the first time this year where I've arrived EARLY! On my last official choir practice D:
Practice started with Limying and Pamela telling us the "choir story". Its basically memories of our batch put together. So nostalgic. Like how we entered choir only in June, our first song was "our tribute" which was sung on founder's day.
Later in the year we went to malaysia and participated in our first overseas competition. Many Hilarious events along the way. There was the Choir camp too, and I enjoyed it very much. Then we missed singing "lukluk" and the instruments song and Ave maris stella so much. I was a leader for once in last year's camp and this year's welcome party. Then last year (EXACTLY a year ago) where we got our Gold with Honours for SYF, and our recent concert which was a blast.
That shall not be my focus for today. But let me assure you, I felt so..warm when those memories flowed back in me.
MrToh came in after the wonderful story. Funny thing ain't it, I don't remember much from my first two years until they told the story (which was so ahhh, memorable), since I basically just sat there like some unenthu/unsociable idiot :/
He tested out the Olomouc group's sound. around 50 people. I really hope we can do well there, Mrtoh says he might also enroll us into some pentatonathon. SOMETHING like that, where you sing 8 songs of different genres. Sounds cool no? I'll study hard and make sure i'll not regret my decision of going to Olomouc. I won't.
Because going overseas is completely different from...syf. Syf is Nothing compared to Overseas competitions. It'll be an experience i'll NEVER EVER forget. Just like how fragments from jubliate and voyage or songs still appear in my mind (:
Peixuan and Qianyu and some others started to draw on my skin with glitter pens:
what's that face HAHA
it says: "mama loves peixuan and peixuan loves me"
who wrote that? O-O
SO, i decided to draw something disgusting on qianyu. HAHA
aww :D
Mrtan and Mrtoh announced the committe members: 18 in total since sop had an additional SL and the excomm had two discipline ICs while Logistics/Librarian was combined into one post.
After that, MrTan and MrToh thanked all the secfours. Let me thank them too. As you know, the current batch of committee members are really SO SO Committed. As one of the few sec four normal members, I'm somewhat like a junior aye?
All of you have gained my respect as capable leaders ^_^ Sorry I have so much to say, I really feel as though I'm not in the position to say all these ):
kayat and meixuan, both of you were really fantastic. The rest of the comm plus level too!
So to the current sec4 batch, thankyou. So much.
Didn't expect to get anything but guess what...The choir teachers decided to give us an ORIGINAL COPY OF THE HIGHSCHOOLMUSICAL MEDLEY! WITH their signatures included! :D
The sec4s stood behind Mrtan and Mrtoh and there was some kind of presentation ceremony.
I SHOOK MR BEN TAN'S HAND FOR A LONG TIME I SHOOK MR BEN TAN'S HAND FOR A LONG TIME I'M SO HAPPY! hahahaha, his face had this "please shake my hand non stop" face lol. HERE IT IS! :D it was an unexpected present from the choir so I'm really very touched! I almost teared before I got it.
MsFarah & MrToh & mrTan signed, and there's a short note from mrtan too! Its abit short but who cares!
"Hey Emma! Such a big bag! Remember Choir always!"
hahaha I think he only remembers me as the girl who carried a big bag during the voyage of songs trip. I was so kiasu then, I had 6 bottles of water in my bag just in case I needed them during the ride. I think he was rather amazed, maybe? O_o
That's really the best gift we can have yeah ^_^
and when I returned, the lovely sops leaked the contents of their surprise! Waited for them to finish and....TADAAAAAA!
px folded the rose! ^_^
I was seriously so surprised to see this, even though I might not have acted like I was ;p
i promise to write letters to you all too kay ^_^
xuanxuan, thanks for making the card and the rose and the honeystars! :D Yes, i'll definitely remember our chording sessions! Kisses from me xoxoxo, you're so sweet like the honeystars haha! Don't be too disappointed okay, there are ALOT ALOT of secthrees out there who didn't get a post either. And it definitely does not mean you're not good or anything because I'm sure you can do it and you have my utmost support! Besides, you still have your dntclub and class treasurer post so don't be sad anymore! i love your cupcakes! and your brownies! and your retarded cuteness heehee! SLEEP EARLIER! if not you'll Shrink (though i'd like that xD)
khngahyu, you mushy little thing hahaha. I don't have time for a 1000 word essay right now, but i'll write you a long one one day! like maybe in olomouc, a shorter one will do for now :D heehee. why did you rub off my beautiful drawing on your leg today hahah. Chording with you and peixuan is like super nice and i love you loads too k! :D hahaha, seeyou around you dumbdumbzx. don't forget to love me everyday too and you shall write me letters everyday HAHAHAHA.
Yingjun! CONGRATS on your post, treasurer! i'm sure you'll do a good job k! i'll seriously miss the times where we all run from riane and kick her and stuff hahaha! So have more confidence in yourself too kay! you're a fantastic and dumb x 100 junior too ^_^ TAKECARE too lovezxz! Stay dumb and lame and stupid always! jkjkjkjk!
Tingwei! another dumb one! xD How can i not miss you guys ): afer june! thanks for missing me too hahaha ;D You're ALWAYS crapping! i'll remember your "please continue talking if not my hand will cease function" LOL LOL. okay i'll try to score well, you too! Hope you can go to olomouc yeah! :D I'll seriously miss the times where you and riane RUNNNNnnn after each other and act retarded!
Yufan! haha you! another lame one! even though you're quiet and all on the outside BUT I KNOW YOU'RE A NAUGHTY GIRL INSIDE! hahaha joking, I think you're sweet too luh must SMILE more okayz you appletree! and stop peeling your scab if not you'll get a scar! ): i'll miss you too!
Elizabeth! GROW TALLER, BE LIKE ME! :D i'll be so proud of you if i see you TALLER next year! like, something like my height or something xD HAHAHA. you bhb little girl i KNEW you wrote that pretty thing next to your name okay! but k la i'll only say this once but you're really quite cute heheheh. OHNO why did i say this xD k loveyou! continue to be BHB, seeyou around! takecare missyou!
HAHA ARE YOU ALL TOUCHED TOO? really, really love it. i'm looking forward to olomouc!
Kayat and Meixuan officially handed their positions over to alvina and Cornelius with a scroll connected with a ribbbon :D there was the usual 1, 2, 3 jie san! Pam and Limying asked the sops to stay back.
I swear this was the most touching moment of the day!
First, they distributed these cute stickers to the secfours:
and then they gave a short speech on how it was great to be our SL, how we were all their fruit of labour. The other secfours gave speeches too while riane and I stood at the back, listening. Perhaps the speeches were too touching, all of them started crying.
Looking at them cry, I felt this sudden feeling of sadness surging in me. I'm leaving choir soon and I won't be seeing these wonderful juniors anymore. I won't get to hear the beautiful sounds we produce and we wouldn't have fun together again. I'm going to olomouc, but Riane isn't. with that, i started to cry.
Not just me, but everybody. we all started tearing and pamela/limying gave out personally written cards to the juniors. Long, long paragraphs of words. Perhaps the amount of effort they've put into it had touched the juniors so much, even i'm amazed at how much they can write for everyone. Pam and limying were two greatly dedicated SLs.
Without them, I wonder if i section would be so bonded?
I asked for tissue to wipe those tears away and everybody's faces were red and their eyes swollen. everybody. Pam and Limying gave a farewell speech for the official handover, they passed anqi, shuqing and tianjiao a file which contained all the attendace lists and excuse letters etc. They tried to end it off but couldn't. Everybody in the choir room was crying then, the altos, the guys....
With that, we had a sop group hug. Everybody formed a circle, hands around each other and said something like "SOPRANO IS LOVEEEEEE!" yes, soprano is LOVE. All those fun sectionals we've had, those 5 minute games, our crappiness and jokes. I wasn't supposed to cry anymore, but when there was the group hug, I cried again. Pam and limying bowed in front of us, that moment was ohsotouching
the new sop SLs gave their act cute version of 1, 2, 3 JIESAN! nobody wanted to leave though.
hugged shuqing, jiaye, junyao, anqi melanie and I get to stand in the middle of their circle to get hugged too! They feel like my little eggs and Im' the mother hen haha! xD
Hugged fedora, danica, ada, leongying, my darlings, RIANE (and we danced around the choir room and felt so happy), gave ashley a goodbye handshake, did i miss anybody? I basically ran around giving free hugs HAHA.
RIANE GOH do you know how much i'll miss you? REALLY. although i'll still seeyou in school everyday, but its gonna be so different without you in choir ): do the best in your studies and there's so much i want to say to you you retarded queen i am NOT your royal bun! D: I'll tell you more soon xD
LEONGYING, thanks for being my fellow 4L mate and sop mate! like omg i think we'll miss the times where we talk about choir in class and the note passing heehee. but i guess we'll still talk about till june ^_^ ahhh i must buck up in my studies jiayou to you tooo!
MEIXUAN, seriously i don't know what to say because i really really thought you were a perfect tole model, caring, efficient and all :D
LOOANQI, JIAYOU SL JIAYOU! remember our trip to botanic gardens WHEEE and we should drink starbucks again one day!
ADA, i'm sure you'll make a good wardrobe manager yeah, do your best in your studies in everything, just don't stress yourself out okay! work is very important, but play is good too!
CHUAJIAYE! quick do more compos hahahh! i'll remember to return your hotpants o_O
ALL MY DEAREST JUNIORS, WORK HARD AND DO US PROUD! all of you can do it yay! love all of you!
ISABEL, don't need to keep thinking i'm angry with you! seriously sometimes i'm not referring to you ^_^ YAY I CAN GO TO OLOMOUC! first time we ain't bunking together aye? this would be our 3rd overseas trip together. Come to think of it, its going to be SO EXCITING. i can't wait, really! :D
We started to camwhore too and I look like a total complete idiot with my stupid swollen eyes and specs and hair and nose and mouth and neck and face ):
yes so ignore me i really looked like a retard today AHH
emma tingwei!

HAHA WHAT IS THIS MAN. xuanxuan and mama! :D
shit i look like a total idiot o_O
RIANEGOH! i look like retard and so does riane!

group huggg! ^_^

and we went home together in a big group, as happy little kids :D
Sang alot of songs, said all sorts of mushy stuff, lame random funny retarded stuff, danced around, read each other's letters and cards.
and took pictures ^_^. i only have two though, i'll upload the rest when they send it to me heehee.

Cameraman: PEIXUAN!
cameraman: ME!
and we went down the escalator, tingwei had to take the bus ):

haha peixuan!
all of us except riane ( D: ) were going to eat lunch at pasir ris. RIANE EAT WITH ME SOON AND WE SHALL WATCH SUPERCOW!
anyway, while all of us including riane waited for the train, we decided to do CHORDING of twinkle twinkle! :D Missed a train especially to record a nice version but sorry i screwed up.
I forgot i wasn't supposed to go so low and ended up sounding like a frog ): WE SHALL RECORD ANOTHER CHORDED SONG SOON. sorry aye, but ALL OF US LOVE TWINKLE TWINKLE CHORDING NOW YAY. everybody at the mrtstation was staring at us though HAHA. maybe because it was too nice:D
riane alighted at tampines ): and the rest of us went to pasir ris.

qianyu couldn't eat with us cause she had porridge at home, so she bought a sundae and ate it for awhile when she was with us ^_^
Elizabeth, Joyce, Peixuan and I had lunch at KFC! Qian yu ate her sundae there and left when she was done. did you miss us? :D
i swear the person at the counter had such BAD service. all i did was to cancel one order, really. I wasn't being as irritating as i normally am. but ohwell.
had a bandito, lemonade and mashed potatoes, shared cheesefries with peixuan. All of us had a nice time talking yeah. After our lunch (which took a long time),
peixuan and I decided to walk around while elizabeth and joyce stayed in KFC to study.
The first thing in our minds were NEOPRINTS! px's cousin said we could take them for 3 bucks so we decided to try! it was fun even though there was so little time for the shots and we ended up being so retarded and all, but it turned out quite nice and I'm glad! not bad for 3 bucks ya! REMIND ME TO RETURN THE MONEY TO YOU! :D
heehee! :D i'm quite satisfied, sorry i kept jumping around ~_~
went to the TOILET and then the library! saw alvina, charis and isabella studying at the children's section! :D
proceeded to find our books, px wanted princess diaries but couldn't find it ):
I ended up borrowing four books, i'm reading chicklit-y stuff for the FIRST TIME in my life. got "boy from the basement" and it sounded rather familiar ain't it.
Of course, nobody can resist the temptations of FOOD so we went to look at the bakery section! Got ourselves a pretty fondant cookie book which was SO PRETTY!
there was also another book called "cakes for children" and both of us loved these so much:
BALLOON CUPCAKES! doesn't this remind you of riane? haha
we stayed in the library till 4+ and decided it was time to leave or else it would be too late.
on the way home, i met a person who asked me to buy a paperclip from him since he had a challenge or something. I paid two bucks for a white paperclip and it seems like i've lost it -__-
Oh, and look. Left: non-smashed sweet Right: smashed sweet.
I better start on my work now. I haven't posted the 2d girls camwhoring session photos yet haha! will do that soon (:
Annia, thanks so much again for supporting me heehee lets study together next week! :D
Kaikai, Isabel and everybody thanks for helping me in my decision too :D
fish: heyheys.. jiayou mama. You can do it.. call me if u wanna.. haha. loves AGAIN~
{haha THANKYOU and okay i'll take up that offer someday ^_^}
isabel: i'm sorry emma, hope you dont really take to heart whatever i say. just listen to your heart yeah? sorry i cant be of much help either.
{LOL isabel why did you say sorry? you didn't offend me in any way o_O the quotes wasn't referring to anybody in particular, really!}
yufan: hey emma! we'll miss you~! xD
{yufan! i'll miss you all too! :D}
anqi: jiayou luh mama.. u can do it!! and hahaha pls dun get an MDA in Europe nex tym if u're going overseas! mdm zee'll tell u why
{haha thanks SL! :D haha why not? xD tell me hahaa and i might not go either, i'll decide next time ^_^}
piying: i'll miss u

{i'll miss you too! anyway, JIAYOU as secretary i'm seriously very sure you'll do a great job!}
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